Our Live Answering Agents Are Proudly Based in the U.S.
You Only Pay for the Minutes That We Take Calls For Your Business.
You tell us the script you want to use & we follow it rightly.
Our Live agents can answer your business calls just like an in-office receptionist but for a fraction of the price.
You can use our live agents as your personal assistant simply for the purpose of message taking.
Our live agents can book and manage appointments using your own calendaring service.
Never miss a call lead again. Our agents will capture accurate contact info of every incoming call and notify you via email instantly.
Hosting an event? Let our live agents handle the overhead of attendee registrations & other event-related calls.
Automatically forward callers to our agents when you're tied up on the other line.
Callers should never get voicemail. Send them to our live agent when you can't be there to answer.
When callers need to speak with you, our system makes it easy for us to transfer the call to you.
Our Call Summary & Reporting Dashboard is fully white labeled. Brand it with your business theme.
Our agents can use our Proprietary Call Software to route calls to a specific person/department. This gives a seamless virtual office assistant technology backed by Real Humans 24/7/365.
Our agents answer calls on your behalf and delver important messages to you or others on your team in real time.
Using our Chat Technology, our live agents can even answer your website Chat 24/7/365. Chat Service is Billed Separately.
Most of our calls are answered in 3 rings.
No contracts. No installations. Cancel anytime.
You'll use our service first. Then we will send you a Post Paid invoice to pay.
As soon as a call is complete, we'll send you a summary notification via email + SMS.
You get access to Detailed call reports and account access available 24/7/365 via our Live Call Dashboard.
Our System integrates with 500+ CRMs and Apps
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