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PPC Audit

PPC Audit


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What is a PPC Google Ad Audit?

Our 7-stage Google Ad audit dives into your Google Ads account and uncovers the highest leverage areas in the account. We’ll analyze:

  • Conversion tracking
  • Impressions share
  • Ad extensions
  • Landing pages
  • Ad match optimization
  • …and more…

All audits come with a strategic account brief & our tactical checklist.

What Google Ad Accounts Qualify?

We only accept select accounts where an audit will provide value. Here’s who qualifies for an audit:

  • Active Google Ads Account
  • Spend of at least $1000 in the last 30 days
  • Not an Adwords Express account

If the account meets the above criteria, then we can get started once we’re granted access.

Audit Pricing

No, our audit isn’t free! And here’s why:

  • We have real humans run the audit. It’s not just machines.
  • We’ve got experience!
  • 10+ years worth of data across 60+ niches.
  • It’s a full strategic analysis of your account with exact recommendations.
  • This is the exact audit and checklist we use when we onboard clients.
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